台灣 台北車站商圈
Taipei Main Station , Taipei , Taiwan
1963年創立,起初販售登山用品,第二代開始將滑雪用品納入,現由第三代的 Jimmy 與 Billy 兩兄弟經營,兩人從小去日本接受正規的滑雪訓練,而後成為台灣青少年滑雪代表隊選手、滑雪教練,先後繼承家業。
Jimmy 開發自有滑雪品牌 ULLR,台灣製造,開發完成兩兄弟親身測試,也請滑雪同好回饋意見。ULLR 的風鏡,平實的價格、符合亞洲人臉型,且可以在風鏡內戴上近視眼鏡。店內提供雪鞋的內靴熱塑、雪板打蠟、部品維修服務。
| 店家資訊
- 地址:台北市中正區南昌路2段112號
- 營業時間:週一~週六11:00am~09:30pm、週日12:00pm~06:00pm
- 電話:(02)2368-4358
Prince Outdoor
Established in 1963. At first, it sold mountaineering equipment. The second-generation owner began to sell skiing supplies. It is now run by the third-generation brothers, Jimmy and Billy. They had received formal ski training in Japan from childhood age and then became the members of Taiwan Youth Ski Team. , Ski instructors, successively inherited the family business.
Jimmy developed his own ski brand ULLR, made in Taiwan, and accomplished the development not only through the two brothers’ personal test experiences but also ask for ski reviews. ULLR’s goggles are affordable and fit for Asian faces. Moreover, you can wear myopia glasses in the goggles. The store provides a comprehensive range of services such as heat molded for snowboard boot Liners, snowboard waxing, and parts repair services.
| info
- Phone: (02)2361-9507
- Address: No. 112, Sec. 2, Nanchang Road, Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
- Business hours: Monday-Saturday 11:00 am-9:30 pm, Sunday 12:00 am-6:00 pm,
- Phone: (02)2368-4358
| 店鋪情報
- 住所:台北市中正区南昌路2段112号
- 営業時間:月曜日~土曜日11:00am~09:30pm、日曜日12:00pm~06:00pm
- 電話:(02)2368-4358