台灣 台北市大安區
Da’an Dist., Taipei , Taiwan
cow records的店主人—Hector夫婦,特別將輕量化的商品獨立出來,於是samplus就此誕生,同時也是日本輕量化品牌「山と道」yamatomichi唯一的海外分部。samplus位在台北巷內公寓的2樓,來這裡就像探索秘境。
山と道服飾的剪裁與設計都非常優秀,版型適合亞洲人,而背包MINI可客製面料與顏色,ONE還可多客製腰帶、背長尺寸,在 samplus 購買山と道的商品可能比到日本還方便。這裡還有if you have和samplus聯名款—單人鍋具和束口登頂包,前者極輕好攜帶,後者的剪裁設計貼合背部,背負穩定且抗撕裂。
samplus 不僅僅從世界集聚優質健行用具提供給顧客,也在店中舉辦各式各樣的活動。另外,也積極的發佈台灣的登山資訊,接下來也預定協助日本或是其他國家申請在台灣之外的國家不容易申請到的登山許可證。期許 samplus 可以成為台灣和日本以及台灣和世界的橋樑,成為台灣健行文化的據點。
| 店家資訊
- 地址:台北市復興南路一段107巷11號2樓
- 營業時間:週一~週日01:00pm~09:00pm
- 電話:02-2775-5574
The owners of COW RECORDS, Hector and his wife, wanted to set up an international branch of 山と道in order to make lightweight products independent, so Samplus was born. Located on the 2nd floor of the Taipei Alley Apartment, coming here is like exploring a hidden gem.
The clothing tailoring and design of 山と道is high-quality, ideal for Asians. YAMATOMICHI Backpack MINI customer edition offers customized fabric and color, while ONE is about customized belts and back length. You may experience a more convenient shopping experience with 山と道at Samplus than in Japan. More products such as IFYOUHAVE x SAMPLUS Limited Edition – Pound Cup solo cooker and NapPack Plus. The former is extremely light and easy-to-carry, while the latter’s tailoring design fits the back, which is stable and tear-resistant.
We are a provider of high-quality hiking gear from all over the world. In addition, we plan to host many different kinds of event as well at samplus.
We offer Taiwan hiking information and support to acquiring hiking permits required to access the mountains in Taiwan, which can be difficult for Japanese and international hikers to obtain outside of Taiwan. At samplus, we aim to be the hub for all things related to the hiking culture in Taiwan, and to serve as the bridge between hikers in Japan, Taiwan, and the rest of the world.
| info
- Address: 2F., No. 11, Ln.107, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
- Business hours: Monday- Sunday 1:00 pm-9:00 pm
- Phone: (02) 2775 5574
山と道の服はカッティングやデザインが優れており、アジア人に適した形をしています。バックパックMINIは生地や色をカスタマイズでき、バックパックONEはウエストベルトや背中の長さもカスタマイズすることが可能です。また、if you haveとsamplusのコラボレーションであるシングルクッカーと巾着型サミットパックは、前者は非常に軽量で携帯便利、後者は背面の優れたカッティングでフィット感抜群、安定感と耐引裂き性があります。
| 店鋪情報
- 住所:台北市大安区復興南路一段107巷11号2 F
- 営業時間:月曜日~日曜日01:00pm~09:00pm
- 電話:02-2775-5574